First Amendment Abuse and the Post Publication Peer Review Scam

On Tuesday October 4 at 10AM, a Michigan Court in Detroit conducted a hearing on case 326691 “Fazlul Sarkar vs John Doe”. As you may recall from our coverage at Science Transparency, Pr…

Source: First Amendment Abuse: Time to Sue Post Publication Reviewers for False Accusations

8 thoughts on “First Amendment Abuse and the Post Publication Peer Review Scam

    1. We have identified one person obsessed with destroying a scientist reputation who belongs to the defamation ring and operates in the manner described in the post. He works or used to work in the Washington/Bethesda area. We will disclose his identity but need to consult with the victim first.


  1. What are you talking about? Fazlul Sarkar is one of the biggest and most flagrant science frauds of all time!! He will likely end up beining prosecuted for mail fraud and intent to decieve a government funding agency. Retraction watch and pubpeer are actually followed by many reputable and well regarded scientists.


    1. Tom,
      Thank you for your comment. Whether or not Fazlul Sarkar has committed misconduct is something that needs to be determined by his home institution and ultimately arbitrated by the DHHS and perhaps the DoJ, if it comes to that. Meanwhile, he is presumed innocent, just like anybody else. As for the other comment you made, we obviously disagree with you in light of what we have found.


  2. What are YOU talking about, Mr. Tom Baker? Reputable well regarded scientists do not waste time with blogs like Retraction Watch!


  3. Tom Baker: “Retraction watch and pubpeer are actually followed by many reputable and well regarded scientists.”
    What sort of parallel reality are you living in, Tom Baker?
    No one with a lab to run listens to those losers.


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